"username": ["thatoneinternetuser"]
>Yes, THAT one.
>Hey, I'm thatoneinternetuser, your local metalhead and guitar nerd. As my name suggests, I'm just another person online. All you really need to know about me is that I go by she/her.
>Fair warning: I can be a little insensitive. I try and keep most things that can be considered "offensive" on my alt but I will say dumb stuff for jokes. If I happen to offend you, please point it out, and I'll apologize.
>These are my interests I'll be talking about in my tweets.
Haha, hey I do art sometimes haha.
Traditional, Digital, and 3D art.
Retro Games
Quake Series
Doom Series
Postal Series
Other retro games
Bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, Slayer, Black Sabbath, Etc.
Maybe some audiophile shit
I don't really tweet this type of stuff out but I do retweet some fairly disturbing imagery fairly often so beware if you're not into that stuff.
["Cool People"]
>@thequickslash (my bf :D)
>@dr0idwithaj (robot)
>@mayoistall (Evil Mastermind and my boss)
>@snoozysoozyy (local something)
>@SilentManJoe (follows me for reasons not even god himself knows)
>These are some other places you can find me, if you for some reason wanted to see more from me.
*image is "The Green City 2" Steam profile background for Please, Don't Touch Anything.